Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Buddy!

So out little guy is one month old today. Can you believe it? I certainly can't. It has gone by so fast. Here are a few things that I have enjoyed up until now.
*The cute noises he makes (including the grunts and even when they keep me up all night long)
*I think he is finally seeing me and able to focus a little better
*That he follows mine and his daddy's voices
*His chubby cheeks (I could smooch them all day long)
*That he will hold my hand in the car as I try to keep his pacifier in his mouth (It's worth my arm falling asleep for the entire ride)
*That he likes my singing (not many people do)
He has been an absolute joy and wonderful addition to our little family! I think we will keep him. And of course this post would not be complete without some new photos. I know that's what you all really want to see.


  1. I'm glad I made it in your second picture! :) No seriously though you guys are looking very attractive in that photo. I also love the one of Landon & Hawkes all bundled up to go, too sweet!

  2. Such a cute post Meg! Can't wait to see you guys again soon!
