Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Randi Ray Photography

I was looking through our millions of pictures of Hawkes the other day while he was napping and I came across these. My cute friend Randi took these when Hawkes was just about 2 months old. I forget how little he was (and how bald he was). It is fun to look back and see how much he has grown and changed. He gets cuter everyday, and I am so glad his hair has grown back in. Balding wasn't his best look.

So lucky to call these two boys mine!

What a blessing he has been. I feel grateful everyday that I have been given such a healthy, happy, darling baby boy!


  1. My favorites are the first picture of Landon & him, the one of his bright eyes and hands in fists & the last one of you holding him while he is yawning. Seriously he is so adorable I can't believe how much he has changed! I need to visit you asap because I really miss him!
